Back in 1984, the great people who brought together the fabled Dukes-of-Hazzard allowed me to be part of the last seasons production. So credit card in hand, VW Diesel Rabbit under my britches and on my way to Hollywood I went.
Let me tell you about this trip.
First I got turned around direction wise in Las Vegas, but once on I-15, found myself slipping the clutch trying to get through the inspection station just outside of Barstow. After explaining that the only thing I had as far as consumables I had on board was Skoal, and trying to explain what that was to some Arab import worker , I got back on the road.
Went on a mere shopping binge at a Union 76 truck stop , then on I-15 I went.
I remember the cement wall barriers on the highway from watching Chips.
Stayed overnight at the Beverley Hills Holiday Inn, hey they had one then, and had dinner from McDonald’s in my room, thinking, is this really what people in California do?
The next morning, since I wasn’t expected on set at Warner Bothers, decided to visit, the offices of Petersen Publishing where Car Craft, Hot, Rod and such are produced. One is done at 6400 something Sunset, blved. The other 8490 Sunset blvd , so I parked at one, but hoofed it I thought to be a few blocks, but was damn near 6 miles between each other.
Once there , some writer invited me to lunch . This cafĂ© to celebrities had this portrait of some Spaniard , but who looked at that. Mary Hart from Entertainment Tonight fame was there with legs nearly equal to sweet Daisy’s.
After I finished eating, got on Sunset blvd, trucked to the end of it, finding an open gate, mucho dirt, figured out I hadn’t driven to a big sand pile but the Pacific beach, and no bridge. The next stop was Japan and the VW Rabbit I was driving just was no submarine. Even the General as good as it is couldn’t make that jump.
After weaving through the roads through Beverly Hills, found the fire house that I used to see on the show Emergency. Stupid me I thought I’d see Jon Gage and Roy Desoto, but with a deputy from the LA County SO, who showed me how to get to where I needed to go, I got to the gate of Warner Brothers, got in, found my apartment, and for the two months I was there, did not go beyond those gates very much. Hell a can of SKOAL , in Beverley Hills at a 7-11 there that has inside walls so thick it feels like the entrance to some jail somewhere, is $10.00 a can. This is 1984, ain’t to far from that here in 2012 back here in nowhere Burley Idaho.
Still working at finding a ghostwriter for the script that will essentially combine, the Dukes-of-Hazzard, with Sons of Anarchy, called the Hazzard Knytes, but finding a good person to do that writing is difficult. Hey I’d do it, but never wrote that kind of thing before. So will learn , hopefully from a pro.
Was going to explore the attraction or lure of a female in nylon hose thing, but decided that since I have done that soooo many times before thought if ya’ll want to read that , ya’ll can read HazzardAyre and other of my blogs, as I have explained it there. I will say this though, any male who worked around or has worked around Catherine Bach aka Daisy Duke, that is not attracted to sexy legs in nylon hose, is queer, but then the USA, is too filled with queers as it is. We need more Confederate males, not so many queers.
Makes one wonder why I’m single, don’t it? Women have less to choose from, Hey I’m here, genuine USDA prime straight male, and I’m alone, do ya’ll see anything wrong with this picture?
As I close, do you think we have too much Chelsea Handler and not enough shows like the Dukes?
Did you see, RTV TV has Movin On, on again. Where Sonny Pruitt is, can BJ Mackay be far behind? My next long haul trip is to Nashville, not the left coast. Maybe I can get Alma and Ben to put me up for a few days there?
Keep it tween the ditches, but in case you don’t,
feel compelled to call: 
Until Friday afternoon, hopefully with a pay check that should have been here by now, via the US MAIL, hell could have shipped the damn thing on a mule and got it here from Blackfoot Idaho to Burley faster. In October, I’m driving to Blackfoot to collect in person.

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Quote of the Day:
Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.
--Napoleon Hill
Philippians 2:1-2“[Imitating Christ’s Humility] Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”
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