Where are the most blondes?

after the show hedder

One question that was asked last night on Highway Hooker Radio was, which state has the most blonde haired girls? Apparently no definitive research has been done here.

So it’ll be ye ole AyreWolf here to sniff this one out. I’ll most be in favor of saying our Southern states have the most blondes. Why, ever hear of a dark haired peach? Georgia has peaches and I ain’t just a talking of the fruit on the tree. Tennessee, Minnesota , Alabama, and Texas seems to be the greatest concentration of blonde honeys, mostly cause our Southern states only have angels or at least angelic ladies there. Some would argue, that California with the Left coast beach's, and Miami Florida, would be a greater concentration of blondes. However in both those states you’ll most like see redheads. Northeastern states brunettes and chestnut colored hair, northwestern states most likely red heads and gray as the population is a bit older here, the Mountain west area? Kinda mixing pot. More research as I said will be done.

Saw an ad on Cable One, that is constantly repetitive. There’s an old gal in the Cable One Advertising department there named Lacey. She walks into the office of MicroChips computers in Twin Falls, and says,

“How about Monday Night Football in HD?” Okay first, there is no longer a Monday Night Football. Its history. NBC runs a thing called Sunday Night Football, but no MONDAY NIGHT. Number 2; If its HD , High Definition , Cable One can’t insert local commercials in there as Cable One has not invested in the gear to make that happen. Third, Lacey says, that Cable One, employees 40 some odd people in the Magic Valley. No they don’t. Cable One Advertising is lucky if it employees 5 and that’s including the front desk gal, and the guy with the infant nasal voice doing the voice overs and producing some rather stale commercials. Obviously, since the ad to get ads for Cable One is at least 6 years old. They can handle ANYTHING I GOT? Bulls breath, Cable One does not allow any ad on there domestically or locally produced that does not have the LDS seal of decent approval on it, although I saw one on there for Chico’s a ladies ready to wear store in Twinky Flatts that is a bit on the spicy side, but get a gal, to appear on camera in tight biker leather standing by a custom Harley , done by Hazzard County Choppers(us) to air in the time period where racy is FCC allowed during Sons of Anarchy, the answer is from Cable One, not only no but Hell NO!!

So guess they can’t handle anything I GOT huh?

Why not tell the truth there Lacey, DESI? Why not upgrade the promo ads? Expand your production department. And finally to the real thing on 50 mps Internet, how about making 50 mps Internet real?

As I said on air last night, the only time I truly have had 50 mps Internet was at a apartment I rented across the street from Idaho State University, that truly ran and streamed 50 mps Internet, and it weren’t from Cable One.

Until tonight a 23:00 Hours that 11:00PM for you none military folk out there,

Stay Tuned


Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything
Psalm 116:1-2“I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”

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KOOL KTOW BANNER   hooker tail 3


Talk About Chicken Shit Times News needs a distemper shot


MORNING JAVA Now you know that newspapers are getting purtty hammered money wise these days, when a newspaper only allows you to read online 15 articles , then uses cookie trackers to make damn sure that unless you’re a subscriber you can’t read any more.

I’m glad HazzardAyre News and Confederate Star Media has never gotten that cut throat, more over that damn greedy.

Sure there may be some that’ll chirp and say, well the Times News (The newspaper in question here) has people to pay and support their families.

Thing is HazzardAyre and Confederate Star both employee 20,000 people , nationwide. 10,000 of that split between Idaho and Utah, but we never would make a prospective reader who could turn into both an advertiser and subscriber. Why limit how many times someone out of the area, can read the damn paper?

Got word yesterday, one of our local members of the Knytes is an employee of a printing press outfit here in Burley. Which means more of and wider distribution of HazzardAyre.

If the Times News thought they had something to worry about, they don’t know nothing , yet.

Hey the Times News was shitting bricks over Monkey Bizzness, out of Gooding when I was an associate there. When the Knytes bought the better part of Monkey Bizzness and turned it into the Hazzard Gazzette, folks got nervous. Thing is with a real printing press, it is the intention of Confederate Star Media to not only print HazzardAyre, but also bring back Farm Times, and of course HellBilly Trucker which will include us here in Highway Hookers Gazzette.

Next entry, media domination in Boise opens new doors for Confederate Star.


knytes symbol 1

Quote of the Day:
The easiest person to deceive is one’s own self.
--Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton
Psalm 94:18-19“When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”

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Thank God for Angels

daily java

Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of two, but one for sure.

But over my life I have known and been privy to being a good pal to three angels.

One I met on a talent recruitment. This gal I hold as the standard to all that apply to being talent for the club. She showed up on time, Heck even a half hour to an hour early. She took the project and who and what it was for seriously. If I’dve used my brain I’d have broke it off with another and a whole heap of things would be different now. But any mile.

Then came Mirinda, who saw me sitting off the back of LiL Lexi, one evening came over and offered her hand in friendship. Afterwards she offered me use of her wifi signal, some food in tough times, but most of all the early morning coffee chats. Her intelligence and wisdom, is way beyond her mid 20 something years old she is. Had I listened to her about Strickland, the mess over the radio gig might not have happened, but that might have short circuited my meeting Erin.

With Erin it was not a billion questions as to why or what for it was how can I make this happen for you. Not much consideration for herself.

Granted she was not used to being an on air person, although one report on Bose aviators headsets, she said headsets from Boise. There are people there still wondering where to buy those.

Had it not been for Erin , there’d be no LexiBelle, today. But and in that light I’m busting ass to make Dixie Toewing/Hazzard County Choppers work and prosper.

The Knytes-of-Anarchy is growing too, as many outsiders finally figure out that KOA does not mean , MC, rather TC(Truck Club).

That said, a bike shop is easier to run than a truck shop, so big Harley’s are built and customized here. Likewise, Indian’s , Triumphs, Nortons, and BMW bikes are tweaked and tuned here at HCC.

But that’s all getting away from my center here.

There is a long distance between sexy and slutty and trashy. While many guys I know of dig the porn star look, a porn star attitude gets old quick. Its like a star itself, that is a big ball of gas without any substance. Where as a gal that is southern kountry like, with just hints to her beauty, but some cover is much more sexy and enticing than some gal half undressed in a bikini, or with heels that look like middle ages torcher devices.

After all , as my Mom told me as a Wolf-Pup in Hazzard, turn em all upside down they all look alike. When the light goes out and its time for action, its what’s between her ears, not her thighs that is for keeping.

Keep it tween the ditches.

my blog sigkoa wings proper

Quote of the Day:
Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
--St. Augustine
Romans 8:32“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
hooker tail 3

There ain’t no excuse now there wasn’t then, who cares they all crawl back.


The first thing I noticed when I crawled back into my computer here was that a few of the so called lady acquaintances that I accumulated on Facebook, decided to run to the hills, about the time that I called a few bluff cards. Thing is Yankees have been running and going in reverse for 150 years and there’s no fixing it, at least not yet.

The northern Yankee Union, nation, is like a drunk. Everyone around them sees that they are swaggering and falling over on themselves, puking everywhere in front of them, and no matter how many of us Confederates tell this Yankee Union drunk that it needs help, it ain’t going to get help until either we in the Confederate States finally take over completely by force, or them Arab fellers are grabbing one of those Republicrats by the shirt collar and shaking them.

To get some perspective here, what needs to happen here is Americans need to grow up. Remember the good in all people, as do we in the modern confederacy. Hey this is not just about those in the north. We too can be a bit clannish and clickish as well. Even prejudice. What we need to do is educate, make those not yet matured, to transform into the industrious nation we once were, the same nation that put together American V8 Muscle can heal themselves. We can be a United nation again, with a slight tweak, this time it’ll be the United Confederate States of America with the nations capitol in Alabama, not DC.

But none of this can happen until we as a club quit fussing and fighting between ourselves. Something I have been seeing more of lately, between the Western sub charter and Eastern sub charter, of the Utah/Idaho Charter.

Remember that within Anarchy, there is order. That said, no man is greater , or more than another. If we all work together for the benefit of the community, we will triumph , but if we keep having power and leadership struggles, time and money will be lost.

For those that can’t help drop away because we tell too much truth, and do more action than many organizations, more over our level of honesty is hard for all too many Yankees of both genders to digest.

But if we are to get the legislation passed in our mutual states, if we are to see a reduction in unneeded regulation, if we are to see a truly nation AGAIN ,it’ll come through the UCSA and that’s only going to happen through the Knytes-of-Anarchy. For those that quit, leave our Facebook pages etc, who cares? They’ll be back, they always do.

L8R Ya’ll

my blog sig koa wings proper

Quote of the Day:
Fear is something to be moved through, not something to be turned from.
--Peter McWilliams
Romans 8:32“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

KTOW BANNERhooker tail 3

still no record set, any takers?


hot legs leftimagesCAS33G1XI LUV TOEWZ

Most of you know if your not too stupid, that we here at Highway Hooker Radio and TV just loves toewz. The neat twist play on the words goes back centuries as well as years.

To emphasize the condition each year , we here at KTOW FM along with a chosen member of our listening audience a hot lady, to put on a pair of nylons and roll on down to a local mall, where yours truly will perform the I love Toewz I LUV TOEWZkiss. The thing is, we are going to try to set a Guinness world record for the thing. In essence a record for a guy kissing a woman’s toes in nylon hose. Curiosity will bring out local visual media other than us and guess what Highway Hooker get’s a poke in the ribs in a good way, and such causes like the move over for tow truck operator safety gets some attention . The best thing, two charities get a boost. The Shriner’s Crippled Childrens Hospital in Salt Lake City, and the Children’s Miracle Network of which John aka Bo Duke, is chair-person of gets money. See folks both mall as well as mall patrons, pledge money for every hour or even minute that I can stand to sit, kneel, etc with my lips, firmly planted on a gals cute dainty toes in nylon hose.

So for a few of you cute to moderately good looking honey’s out there, if you live within 150 or so miles to Twin Falls, and or Pocatello, around October 31st 2012. then sign up to be the honey with the sweet toes in nylon hose. Lets help raise some money for John’s kids.

Give me a call at 208-212-9653 or email me at hwyhooker@hotmail.com .

Missing the first episode but maybe not.

That in next entry, into

the Highway Hookers Gazzette.

Stay Tuned


Quote of the Day:
Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure.
--Thomas Edison
Romans 8:32“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
hooker tail 3             KOOL KTOW BANNER


There’s one thing ya’ll can depend on Yankees cain’t handle Hazzard County Common sense.


There is one damn thing ya’ll know to be right down on serious. When confronted by Hazzard County common sense and honesty, them Yankees will run like their britches are on fyre.

Take for instance this gal blowing the horn of saving and loving towing operators or wanting to protect us. Really? I think there may be 10% accuracy to that and 80% her thinking she’s going to make a bunch of money on us. When confronted by serious Hazzard County inquisition guess what? No longer able to post anything on her Facebook Timeline. What honey ? The kitty get caught with cream in her whiskers? But it ain’t only her. There’s this gal in the complex I live in. Thing was I was not even the instigator of it. Truth is one guy who I guess has been made a co manager or something, well his 44 says one night she didn’t like the looks that this other gal that loves kissing the rear of a Chi Wawa, gave to her husband. Somewhere this dog kisser gave a squeeze to the hubby’s caboose. Okay fine. Other day this dog kisser insulted me so I told her she ought to leave other women’s husbands alone. Didn’t even say who.

The bottom line is, I caught this gal by her clit, and called her bluff. Of course she’s going to hiss.

There’s a longer part to this that I’ll leave off, but Yankees, especially Yankee women , do not like it when you catch their bullstuff and throw it back at em.

The fact is, there are three groups of folks I associate with and befriend. Confederates, Truckers, Bikers, add to that pilots.

When all 4 mix, it’s a mix that is volatile, and few communities can handle all of that at once.

Except northwest of here in the deep valley west of Buhl.

The place called(what else?) Hazzard.

Stay Tuned.

my blog sigkoa wings proper

Quote of the Day:
Comedy is tragedy plus time.
--Carol Burnett
Psalm 42:8“By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.”

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KOOL KTOW BANNER  hooker tail 2

Foldgers Call to first Coffee


It is Tuesday, with any luck pay day. With the situation on a AWOL Chevy , that pay day, will most likely be delayed. Book-keepers don’t dig missing denaro so who ever let it go, owes. Nuff said.

Okay then.

The koa wings properalong with HIGHWAY HOOKER SIG in our gear up for winter going towing or should I say toe-w-ing? is looking for some of the hottest female toes adorned in nylon hose for this years gig. So here’s the heel deal(I could not resist) , do you think you have the sexiest , dainty iest toes? imagesCA5G2XY7imagesCAI0YR94imagesCAS33G1Xmost deliciousimagesCAZV46OJtoes, if so, they could earn you some real dough.

KTOW FM , and Highway Hooker Radio is looking for some hot toes in nylon hose for our winter ad projects to toy with the words tow and toe joined together as toew.

If your toes in hose are the hottest in the land, you could win $20,000.00 in cash. Plus a bunch of other prizes.

To enter send us the hottest jpg shot of your toes in nylon hose, this contest is open to only sis’s not bros. Take several shots, then put the hose in an envelope and snail mail em to Highway Hooker Toewing 1939 West Main Number A-7 Burley Idaho 83318, or send us the jpg photos to: hwyhooker@hotmail.com . Deadline is October 31st.

Lets see if you have the hottest toes in hose.

Well time to get this day toewing,

More this evening.


my blog sigkoa wings properHIGHWAY HOOKER SIG

Quote of the Day:
A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.
--Robert Lee Frost
Psalm 42:8“By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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