One question that was asked last night on Highway Hooker Radio was, which state has the most blonde haired girls? Apparently no definitive research has been done here.
So it’ll be ye ole AyreWolf here to sniff this one out. I’ll most be in favor of saying our Southern states have the most blondes. Why, ever hear of a dark haired peach? Georgia has peaches and I ain’t just a talking of the fruit on the tree. Tennessee, Minnesota , Alabama, and Texas seems to be the greatest concentration of blonde honeys, mostly cause our Southern states only have angels or at least angelic ladies there. Some would argue, that California with the Left coast beach's, and Miami Florida, would be a greater concentration of blondes. However in both those states you’ll most like see redheads. Northeastern states brunettes and chestnut colored hair, northwestern states most likely red heads and gray as the population is a bit older here, the Mountain west area? Kinda mixing pot. More research as I said will be done.
Saw an ad on Cable One, that is constantly repetitive. There’s an old gal in the Cable One Advertising department there named Lacey. She walks into the office of MicroChips computers in Twin Falls, and says,
“How about Monday Night Football in HD?” Okay first, there is no longer a Monday Night Football. Its history. NBC runs a thing called Sunday Night Football, but no MONDAY NIGHT. Number 2; If its HD , High Definition , Cable One can’t insert local commercials in there as Cable One has not invested in the gear to make that happen. Third, Lacey says, that Cable One, employees 40 some odd people in the Magic Valley. No they don’t. Cable One Advertising is lucky if it employees 5 and that’s including the front desk gal, and the guy with the infant nasal voice doing the voice overs and producing some rather stale commercials. Obviously, since the ad to get ads for Cable One is at least 6 years old. They can handle ANYTHING I GOT? Bulls breath, Cable One does not allow any ad on there domestically or locally produced that does not have the LDS seal of decent approval on it, although I saw one on there for Chico’s a ladies ready to wear store in Twinky Flatts that is a bit on the spicy side, but get a gal, to appear on camera in tight biker leather standing by a custom Harley , done by Hazzard County Choppers(us) to air in the time period where racy is FCC allowed during Sons of Anarchy, the answer is from Cable One, not only no but Hell NO!!
So guess they can’t handle anything I GOT huh?
Why not tell the truth there Lacey, DESI? Why not upgrade the promo ads? Expand your production department. And finally to the real thing on 50 mps Internet, how about making 50 mps Internet real?
As I said on air last night, the only time I truly have had 50 mps Internet was at a apartment I rented across the street from Idaho State University, that truly ran and streamed 50 mps Internet, and it weren’t from Cable One.
Until tonight a 23:00 Hours that 11:00PM for you none military folk out there,
Stay Tuned
Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything
Psalm 116:1-2“I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |