So I’m sitting in our customer lounge chatting with my respected toew crew, snacking on Fig Newtons and coffee, and thought I’d see if Fig Newtons were something I could really check a LIKE button on Facebook.
Come to find out, nothing on Facebook about , my yummy Fig Newtons . Which is nothing new. Seems that as good as Facebook is, they missed the train when it comes to traditionally favorite products. Or maybe Nabisco decided not to do Facebook.
But there are other products that I’d like to check the LIKE button on, such as Goody’s Headache Powders. Good product, knocks everything else on the shelf at the store off that shelf as far as effectivism and yet no posting for Goody’s.
Then I got to thinking , how about a dislike button? So we as consumers and users of Facebook, could unlike a product?
Then there is that section with all the spam ads. If you check enough of em, they pop up a thing that says, tell us what you do like.
Okay Facebook, give me ads regarding ; Fast trucks, Fast Food, Fast easy Women, and trick bikes.
About the only fan page on Facebook I came across was Miller Industries. Thinking of putting up a group page for those that love the older Holmes tow units, like the Holmes 500.
Just think maybe things that are in our lives, should be honest things that are simple, like Fig Newtons.
My opinion I might be wrong.
L8R Ya’ll