One cain’t soar with Eagles when you are grounded by turkeys


It’s ratings time. If you watch TV much right now, your seeing block buster style A-movies on everything from the Disney channel to the incredible premier of season 5 od SOA, which I might not be part of. If your falling over in your chair, reading that, its because that fat chick in the apartment that thinks her Mexican dog in a glove, who she loves to suck the hind tit of decided to drop a ball the other day making a big fuss over nothing. While not evicted and even now not, I’m thinking is this shit hole slum joint? Considering between two shops, I rent one to live in, rent one to work out of, and in a few months get my ass out of this DEAD END valley.

Saw a few things at the Cassia County Fair, a few said they’d help me with this or that, don’t trust em none. Hell one, from The Mini Cassia Voice ran like a burned kitten, when she saw me. Two dorks were there that I don’t think were dry enough behind their ears to change their diapers, let alone work a fair booth. Then saw that the Sales gal that The Voice hired ran off to the Mini Cassia Chamber of Commerce. More of a reason not to join.

Then stopped by and chatted with some gal that was with the Weekly Journal, here, however Jay is still running things and the attitude I’m sure is still there, these newspapers don’t like bikers, or confederates and if the two are combined don’t look for anything ever to be printed. But I’d sure like to buy advertising through them, but no one ever gets off their fat fannies to roll out to the shop, sit down and put something serious together. One sales gal even sends you an email that says don’t send me an email. Good way to encourage business huh?

Aren’t ya’ll glad YOU read HAZZARDAYRE?

Talked with our legal council on the suit regarding the lost funds of the sale of the Ponderosa Inn here in Burley.

Our legal council reminded me, that there will certainly be backlash. Considering that since that sale the property, including still the Golf Course, when investigators start digging, many people some very important people are going to get drug through the manure. Considering all that John one of our legal Eagles asked me what I’d settle for, he told me that $200k is too low, more like $20,million would be closer. Considering we have two properties on it for sale, where the new big Maverick, Aarons Rent to Own Furniture, Little Caesars, Two ladies ready to wear stores, a cell phone company, all of that are going to have to pay me serious money. The bottom line here ? The local newspapers wanted a good news story, this one is going to get super hot. I’ll be in Boise, but the check can be mailed to SAMCRO MC 1939 West Highway 30 Burley Idaho 83318.

Big day today. L8R ya’ll

my blog sig koa wings proper


Quote of the Day:
Light travels faster than sound so some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
--Joe Messmore
Psalm 16:8“I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

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