How about us in the mountain west?


There was a time in our grand America, even here in the Mountain West when toewers and law enforcement worked together, got along and even broke bread together.

If a toewer had a problem we could expect the law to work with us in solving a problem, such as theft or other maladies.

However the situation involving damage to my dear LexiBelle, as well as leaving dead in the water until I get my new hook up and toew chains from AWDirect, I'm unable to go out and toew. Now there is a bit of detecting that I did, overnight. Some, not all but some of these thefts were done, while LexiBelle was locked inside. Thus suspicion is its one of these new hangarounds. Which due to these loses I can’t pay them anything. It’s the old adage I loose so do they.

Then some tools got ripped off, some theirs. Again , locked inside, did the same hangarounds plunder to cover their own butts? No matter have a meeting with the Sheriff today. More this evening.

Okay , again I want to say this to the sunshine in Chicago, doing the gig called Respect Tow Truck Operators. She’s delivering news and grooves for us in toewing.

I could say, that us here at Highway Hooker and KTOW Radio were toew, b4 toew was kuel , but I wont. since anybody giving us a thankful nod of the hat is good work. I have only two slight gripes here. One, why has Amanda not called, me to do a something on her Facebook group and now web site? And two; why not report the toew news from out here in the Mountain West?

Oh that’s right, we already do that here at Highway Hooker Radio, but still. How about it Amanda? Guess people in the big city don’t care about the toewers here in the rural west.

Which is why our organization the Knytes-of-Anarchy as its foundation was formed on as being the voice, eyes and ears of Rural America’s Toewing Professionals.

Many see us as rusty old hay seeds that are not of the affluent, or upscale image of those big toew services out in Chicago or back east.

But the challenges of us toewing in our area is just as great. At least we don’t get mugged doing a toew as often, but getting chased by a moose, or puma is equally alarming. Running south on Idaho highway 81 these two types of incidents have happened to me. Or getting lost on a rural back kountry highway or two lane looking for a wreck or slide off in snow as deep as the door handles.

Sure car carriers are great and fine, but few slide offs in the southern mountain areas of our kountry is usually done, via the old boom style toew truck, which is where my LexiBelle shines. That old 500 Holmes snags em every time. That is, when I have chains, hope mine get recovered soon.

So how about it Amanda, how about putting in news from us here in the Mountain West on us here toewing?

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.
--Franz Kafka
2 Corinthians 7:1“Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”

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