Tuesday and Counting

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Which state, hell for that matter where do you find the most prudes? For that matter have you noticed the now that I have teased you, now here’s my guy pal syndrome has entered our profession? Case-n-Point; here comes this gal, with all good intents wanting to call attention to us in towing who have lost our lives in the performance of our duties. Good cause. You’d think and yes I know in this modern society there is no room for common sense, but you’d think, that someone that is looking to draw attention would at least do, two things, A; call the Wolf’s Den, here so I could get a thing on our radio station, more over my radio show, considering that both were started, have been operated for and by us who really do drive a tow truck, and not the modern robot tow trucks but remember how to sling a car or heavy truck. Who lugged heavy chains, and used dollies with wheel pans and tube axles. When the only respected brands of tow trucks were Holmes and Century, one being distantly related to the other. Long before wheel lifts. But you’d think this gal would call. Nope. Considering in October we launch a lifestyle and news TV show here for us going towing, you’d think getting that sign or two so we could reprint those into our back drops. But nope.

Here’s the real deal, no Bull story. Since 1974 , KTOW FM and us in the Knytes, have been the true voice and only media voice and eyes of towing. Has been, is, will be.

John Hawkins the founder of Tow Times Magazine and I worked together to get the W or Wrecker word taken out of what we do. There has been many other examples but that’s one. Both Idaho and Utah’s Move Over Laws were co authored by The Knytes, and our legislative staff.

When it came to equipment certification, long before there was a Donnie Cruize and WreckMasters, there was the Road REsque Certification, created by us in the Knytes.

Once there was a true brother and sister hood in towing. We all watched out for each other. Today with the economy and all, it ain’t that way. Its more cut throat than ever. I look at this Facebook group, called the Real Life of A tow Truck Operator. Okay, but all you see mostly is one or two people back biting and shaking their dicks at each other. Shit people ease up and grow up.

Over the years our radio show heard by 28,million people world wide by satellite, 200,000 here in the west, through syndication, and now that we are back to being Over the Air, another 50,000 tow folks are tuning in, with our web site about to relaunch, after one hell of an overhaul, how could this gal be so blind?

Guess she figures she’s in Chicago and we are here in the west, so we don’t matter.

That’s what TRAA for years felt like and why, the Knytes was in part started for in the first place. What others wont or are too timid to do, the Knytes do.

koa wings properThere are those that think the Knytes are a MC(Motorcycle Club) fact is the KOA was around representing over the road long haul truckers and regionally us in towing here in the Mountain west since 1973 the year of the first Arab Oil Embargo. The Knytes are not a MC, we are more in reality a TC Truckers Club.

Okay enough of my road rage here.

Did ya’ll notice that , seems as if KMVT got a new seat cover to warm the second seat at the news desk. Don’t know much about her, but like many she seems awfully stiff on air. Maybe she needs a few gin and tonics b4 air time. Of course there is way too many of those TV gals around here that look and not just gals , but one reporter or two out of KTVB, that flat seems like they need to go to the bathroom. One good bowl movement, too anal retentive. Then there on air delivery would be good. Guess they all can’t have Andrea’s smile, or Tina Jensen’ from KIVI’ glow. Watch and see how long the gal at KMVT takes before she’s knocked up.

Full time on air this weekend, be tuned in, KTOW FM 105.3 Buhl, Idaho. KDXB FM 105.7 Strevelle/Malta Idaho.



Quote of the Day:
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
--Herman Melville
Psalm 42:8“By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.”

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Out of Anarchy comes Order