There’s one thing ya’ll can depend on Yankees cain’t handle Hazzard County Common sense.


There is one damn thing ya’ll know to be right down on serious. When confronted by Hazzard County common sense and honesty, them Yankees will run like their britches are on fyre.

Take for instance this gal blowing the horn of saving and loving towing operators or wanting to protect us. Really? I think there may be 10% accuracy to that and 80% her thinking she’s going to make a bunch of money on us. When confronted by serious Hazzard County inquisition guess what? No longer able to post anything on her Facebook Timeline. What honey ? The kitty get caught with cream in her whiskers? But it ain’t only her. There’s this gal in the complex I live in. Thing was I was not even the instigator of it. Truth is one guy who I guess has been made a co manager or something, well his 44 says one night she didn’t like the looks that this other gal that loves kissing the rear of a Chi Wawa, gave to her husband. Somewhere this dog kisser gave a squeeze to the hubby’s caboose. Okay fine. Other day this dog kisser insulted me so I told her she ought to leave other women’s husbands alone. Didn’t even say who.

The bottom line is, I caught this gal by her clit, and called her bluff. Of course she’s going to hiss.

There’s a longer part to this that I’ll leave off, but Yankees, especially Yankee women , do not like it when you catch their bullstuff and throw it back at em.

The fact is, there are three groups of folks I associate with and befriend. Confederates, Truckers, Bikers, add to that pilots.

When all 4 mix, it’s a mix that is volatile, and few communities can handle all of that at once.

Except northwest of here in the deep valley west of Buhl.

The place called(what else?) Hazzard.

Stay Tuned.

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Quote of the Day:
Comedy is tragedy plus time.
--Carol Burnett
Psalm 42:8“By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.”

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